Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Your guide to the 85th legislative

The 85th legislative session began on January 10th. I recommend for people to read My Statesman.  If you want reliable facts and are interested about Texas and Local State Government. This article covers the main ten issues that are highly controversial: LGBT issues, education, border & immigration,  child protective services, gun rights, transportation, marijuana, ethics, abortion, and state budget. Which all affect our community, and are all topics we're concerned about. This is why it's worth the read. This article discusses the 3 main political figures today: Gov. Greg Abbot, Gov. Dan Patrick, and House speaker Joe Straus--which is a very powerful position.-- Most of you most likely know who Gov. Greg Abbot is. Two of these political figures are up for re-election in 2018. The article also introduces the 3 new house members that will represent Texas in 3 different sections.

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