Thursday, March 9, 2017

Marijuana Legalization

Howie Katz is a blogger for Big Jolly Politics and is arguing about the legalization of pot shouldn't be allowed. He discusses in 2013 Obama's efforts to stop enforcing drug laws on marijuana, and has intervened in with the DEA's job. In states like Colorado, California, and Washington have already legalized it. The author argues how marijuana is classified as a schedule 1 drug, the same as heroin and cocaine. The author now hopes with President Trump this will change, and the DEA can now continue to do their job. The author provides arguing statements from people who support the legalization of marijuana. The supporters argue legalizing marijuana will put the cartels out of business, the author argues that is not true. He argues Mexican cartels will still thrive, and continue to sell other drugs. The author gives substantial evidence to support his claim, and he has good credentials. He is a retired police officer, and criminal justice professor. Which helps his argument a lot, he's not just some old guy googling information he actually knows his stuff. For the argument of Mexican cartels will still thrive, he could give better information. He could discuss other major drugs such as, heroin and cocaine to support his claim. When classifying marijuana schedule 1 drug with heroin and cocaine, a lot of people can argue that is absurd. But maybe he can provide any long term effects marijuana has to support his claim.

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