Friday, April 14, 2017

Blog stage six

 I chose to comment on Barsha Pokharel who's blog is titled "Growing Interest towards Government." I did not know this about the government wanting to subsidize private school funds. I went to a charter school for middle and high school. It was smaller than your average public and private school, but it was still a good school. Charter schools have a harder time getting funding for them since they do not receive money from the state or from parents. They rely on donors a lot. In my personal opinion more funding does need to be invested in public schools. Do you think charter schools could maybe be a solution? I feel with the new secretary of education Betsy DeVos things will get worse regarding funds and public schools. I agree with you completely on the second program. I work and have to pay taxes, and it would make me feel better if I knew my taxes would actually help someone who needs it.

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